Thursday, March 20, 2008

Alright! Today is the first day of Spring and Easter is upon us! Since we were discussing the Fall, and given the season, let's continue our discussion with the Atonement (as they go hand in hand). It would be totally appropriate to continue with thoughts on the Fall, especially in how it relates to the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Elder Bednar gives a beautiful lesson on the Atonement of our Savior and it can be found at the following site:

Please share your references, thoughts, testimonies, etcetera and Happy Easter to you all!


Anonymous said...

This has always been one of my favorite talks, My brother gave me a copy of it before he died. So, it's especially special to me! Mr brother said to me that
Elder Bednar would some day become an apostle. A few months later Elder Bednar was called to serve on October 5th. My brother smiled from his bedside as he heard this during general conference. He died two days later. So, when I read this talk I pay attention to every word of it and it has changed my life and will forever more. If only we can all embrace the atonement more fully and find our own inspiration to grasp it and hold onto every ounce of the blessings promised to us! I LOVE this talk! And, I love Elder Bednar for how he touched David's life, who touched mine.

The A Team said...

I like the emphasis that the atonement is not just to make bad choices better but it's also to make good choices great. Sometimes we forget to use the wonderful gift that we were given. We think that if we live righteously and avoid bad things than we don't need to use the atonement. Elder Bednar was pointing out that it's for all of us, all of the time. I needed that reminder.

ashley said...

I love this part of his talk. Its important that we remember to carry Him in us each day. To LET Him LIVE in us each day. So that others can see the light of Christ in us. And a good reminder of what the atonement really stands for.

"It is one thing to know that Jesus Christ came to earth to die for us. That is fundamental and foundational to the doctrine of Christ. But we also need to appreciate that the Lord desires, through His atonement and by the power of the Holy Ghost, to live in us--not only to direct us but also to empower us."

JoAnna said...

This is the coolest blog! I found it through Mindy B's profile. Do you mind if I add it to my favs?