Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Begin at the Beginning

Let's start with Adam and Eve. They started it all, why not start our blog discussion as well! Let's look at Genesis chapter 2 and Moses chapter 4 and 5. Please list your source for any other quotes or ideas from other resources!


mallari said...

I thought that it was really cool how Eve's desire to procreate and be a mother was more important than not partaking of the fruit. She had to either brake the commandment of not eating the fruit or not having a family. That shows us how important our roles as mothers/parents are. I think that too many people look at it as though Eve committed such a large sin but I thank Eve from the bottom of my heart, I couldn't be the mom to such an amazing baby if she wouldnt' have partaken of that fruit.

Camilla Millar said...

Sarah, just a suggestion. . . .you can add team members on the blog who can sign in and create new threads of discussion. I just got on to another blog where each member puts a little profile on the left hand side of the page so we can all sortof get to know each other (by profile, I mean two lines).

Maybe you could let people know if they want to join, they can email you or add a comment or something.

Of course, this is just a suggestion. . .you are the woman.

The other blog is

Sarah said...

Thanks Camilla! I made a bunch of invitations and hopefully people will participate. If you want to be an invited author on this blog, please email me at Also, now that I am out of my "fog"- well a little at least- I think we should choose particular chapters or verses, what do you think?

Thanks Mallori for your thoughts!!! Eve was the first woman to display maternal instincts. It is wonderful to follow her example of choosing to bear and care for children, and as we do so we have faith that we will receive the same blessing Eve surely does enjoy!

keithssue said...

This story confused me until I read a comment by Joseph F. Smith, I think (that is not very academic!), who said she simply transgressed a law which had its consequences of spiritual and physical death. Thinking about it now, it seems she chose to keep the law whose consequences were spritual lives and forever families! She was truly innocent since she did not recognize Satan until after partaking of the fruit. Remaining close to God thereafter, she was not deceived again. It seems we are all deceived to some extent, and once we feel the consequences, we decide to remain close to God so as not to be deceived again.

Also, Adam did was not tempted, but made the same choice of life as did Eve. I love how he listened to her explanation and honored her wise choice by partaking despite his knowledge of the pain it would bring in mortality. He immediately gave sacrifice, showing he had a prophet's understanding of the plan of salvation.

This is great fun. I love using this tired old brain once in a while.

Thank you for inviting me to participate!! This mother has such sweet daughters and daughters in law!

Kim said...

I already know I am going to appreciate this blog...I can't promise that I will be contibuting anything more than just questions...but I am very excited to know and understand more.

Anonymous said...

Something I have always found facinating about this story is of the innocence of Adam and Eve. They were childlike and yet still had free agency. When Heavenly Father asked Adam what he had done his response was, "the women thou gavest me and commanded that she should remain with me, she gave me of the fruit of the tree and I did eat." (Moses 4:18) Then the Lord asked the same question to Eve who responded, "The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat." (Moses 4:19) I used to chuckle at what seemed to be the obvious, both Adam and Eve blaming someone else for their choices. But, then I caught the last part where they both admitted that they "did eat." So, they not only exercised their free agency but they took responsiblity for their actions and were honest when answering before the Lord.